to contribute


We use Artificial Intelligence to improve people’s mental health and well-being, and for clinical and academic research

24/7 tracking and monitoring platform

Behavioural assessment. We measure behaviour and emotions

Platform for clinical and academic research. Automatic monitoring.

AI and on-demand algorithms. Prediction


Redefining mental health management and care

Real-time data, 24/7 monitoring, AI for prevention

eB2 MindCare offers a digital platform based on AI for remote monitoring. eB2 MindCare is interoperable with EHR and HIS.

eB2 MindCare consists of an app for the patient, an app for the caregiver or family member, and a panel for the therapist.



The core of eB2 Mindcare in your eHealth system.

Behavioral assessment service to integrate into eHealth applications and systems.

eB2 Behavioral Analytics is a solution composed of user data aggregation services, behavioral biomarker collection services, and integration services for third-party platforms.

eB2 Behavioral Analytics adapts to each client and allows the export of results to any EHR, HIS, or HR management system.


We improve data collection for your academic and clinical research

Automatic monitoring, aggregated indicators, questionnaires, device integration, all in one platform.

eB2 Research combines data from questionnaires, analytics, phones, medical devices, and wearables to obtain information on physical and mental state, mobility, physical and social activity, sleep, and digital behavioral biomarkers, and is interoperable with digital data collection notebooks.

eB2 Research streamlines data collection and integrates all information into a single platform.


Inteligencia artificial al alcance de tu mano

Artificial intelligence at your fingertips

AI and algorithms on demand. Prediction for prevention.

eB2 Monitor and Predict includes a set of proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for obtaining indicators and predictors of mental health and emotional well-being.

eB2 Monitor and Predict includes a set of proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for obtaining indicators and predictors of mental health and emotional well-being.

Our Apps

‎eB2 MindCare
‎eB2 MindCare
eB2 MindCare
eB2 MindCare
Developer: eB2
Price: Free

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